Understanding the Essentials of a Good Dental Crown

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19 января, 2024

Hello, friends! Dr. Dmitry Gorbatov here, from Gorbatov Dentistry in Hollywood, Florida. With over 30 years of experience in holistic and cosmetic dentistry, I’m excited to share my insights on what makes a good dental crown.

What Defines a Good Crown?

A crown’s quality can impact your dental health significantly. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Appearance: A crown must match your natural teeth in shape, size, and color for a seamless look.
  • Comfort: It should be comfortable and align with your bite. If your natural teeth are flat due to grinding, your crown should mimic this to ensure comfort during biting and chewing.
  • Technical Precision: The margins of the crown, where it meets the gum line, are crucial. They should be tightly sealed to prevent food particles and bacteria from getting trapped, which can lead to gum inflammation and bone loss.

Signs of a Problematic Crown:

  • Bleeding during brushing or flossing can indicate chronic inflammation, a sign of ill-fitting crowns.
  • Bone Loss: Poorly fitted crowns can cause bone degradation, leading to tooth sensitivity and instability.
  • Food Impaction: If crowns are not properly aligned, food can get stuck between teeth, causing discomfort and inflammation.

Take Action:

Don’t ignore symptoms like gum bleeding, food impaction, or persistent pain. These are signs that your crowns may need attention. At Gorbatov Dentistry, we prioritize precision and comfort in our crown fittings to ensure you don’t face these issues.

We’re Here to Help:

Experiencing any discomfort or unsure about your crowns? Visit us at Gorbatov Dentistry. We’ll assess your situation and offer solutions, whether it’s replacing the crowns or other restorative treatments, ensuring you’re symptom-free and satisfied with your smile.

Remember, a good crown not only looks great but also contributes to your overall dental health. Keep an eye on these essential aspects and don’t hesitate to reach out for expert care.

Connect With Us:

Stay informed by subscribing to our channel and don’t hesitate to call us for personalized dental care. We’re here to ensure your smile stays bright and healthy!

Thank you for your trust in Gorbatov Dentistry. Your dental health is our top priority.

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Отличный офис. Доктор Горбатов - отличный стоматолог. Персонал очень милый и полезный. Одно из лучших впечатлений. Очень рекомендую.

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