How to Choose the Right Crown Material for Your Teeth

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10 октября, 2024

Expert Advice from Dr. Dmitry Gorbatov

If you need crowns and are wondering, «What kind of crown should I get?» then stay with me for the next few minutes, and I’ll help you make a knowledgeable choice. My name is Dr. Dmitry Gorbatov, and I’ve been practicing cosmetic dentistry for over 30 years in Hollywood, Florida, right on Ocean Drive. Every day, we help our patients choose the right material for their crowns, and here are some tips to guide your decision.

Position of the Crown: Front or Back?

The position of the crown is a critical factor when deciding on the material. Is it for a front tooth or a back tooth? The answer is important because back teeth require more strength, while front teeth require more aesthetics.

Back Teeth: Strength with Zirconia

For back teeth, we recommend using zirconia crowns. Zirconia is one of the strongest materials available and is ideal for patients with heavy biting forces, such as those who grind or clench their teeth (a condition known as bruxism). However, zirconia is not as aesthetically pleasing because it lacks translucency and can appear opaque, like «white metal.» While there is a type of zirconia called aesthetic zirconia, it loses strength when made more translucent, making it less suitable for back teeth.

Front Teeth: Aesthetic Beauty with E.max

For front teeth, where aesthetics are key, we use E.max ceramic crowns. E.max offers excellent translucency and a natural tooth-like appearance. Its texture and ability to mimic natural enamel make it perfect for creating beautiful, natural-looking crowns. Even before any additional processing, E.max already resembles a real tooth, ensuring an outstanding cosmetic result.

Special Cases: Combining Strength and Aesthetics

In some cases, where patients have a very strong bite or severe bruxism, we may need to use zirconia crowns even for the front teeth to prevent breakage. However, here’s a tip for achieving both strength and aesthetics: a combination crown. We use a hybrid crown with a zirconia base for strength and an E.max layer on the visible front surface for an aesthetic finish. This allows for a beautiful appearance without compromising durability.

To summarize, for back teeth, zirconia provides the strength you need, especially if you have a strong bite. For front teeth, E.max ceramic gives the best cosmetic results. In cases where you need both strength and beauty, a hybrid crown combining zirconia and E.max is an excellent solution.

If you have any questions or need crowns, please contact us. We’re here to help you make the best choice for your dental health and appearance. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for future updates. Thank you very much for your attention, and have a wonderful day!

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