Choosing the Right Material for Your Dental Veneers

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12 ноября, 2024

Expert Advice from Dr. Dmitry Gorbatov

Hello, my dear friends. In today’s article, we’re going to talk about how to pick the right material for your dental veneers. My name is Dr. Dmitry Gorbatov, and I’ve been practicing cosmetic and holistic dentistry for 34 years right on South Ocean Drive in Hollywood, Florida.

Understanding the Different Materials for Veneers

If you’ve decided to get veneers, it’s important to know which materials are available and why one might be better suited for your needs than another. Patients today are well-informed and often want to understand the materials being used and their benefits. Here’s a breakdown of the most common options for dental veneers.

1. Feldspathic Ceramic

The traditional material we’ve used for many years is feldspathic ceramic. This material is applied in layers and provides exceptional aesthetic results with great translucency, closely mimicking the natural enamel of a tooth. It is an excellent choice for patients with a perfect bite, no clenching or grinding habits, and sufficient tooth structure. The only disadvantage of feldspathic ceramic is that it is less strong compared to more modern ceramics, making it less ideal for those with heavier bite forces or teeth grinding issues.

2. Lithium Disilicate Reinforced Ceramic

This type of ceramic takes feldspathic ceramic and adds lucite crystals, enhancing its strength while maintaining its beautiful, natural-looking translucency. Lithium disilicate reinforced ceramic is well-suited for patients who may have mild clenching or grinding habits. It offers a balance between strength and aesthetics, making it a popular option for many patients.

3. IPS e.max Ceramic

For patients who need a stronger veneer material, we often turn to IPS e.max ceramic. This ceramic has excellent cosmetic properties, including translucency and natural tooth-like reflection, while also being very strong. Most of the time, we use e.max for veneers, even in cases with compromised situations, such as grinding or clenching. It offers a beautiful smile with a high level of durability and strength.

Finding the Right Material for You

Choosing the right veneer material depends on your specific needs, including the condition of your teeth, bite strength, and any habits like grinding or clenching. At Gorbatov Dentistry, we’ll help you determine the best solution for your unique case, ensuring both durability and a stunning smile.

Contact Us

If you’re planning to get veneers and want to explore your options, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you make an informed decision and achieve the beautiful smile you deserve.

Thank you for your attention. Please subscribe to our channel for more dental insights, and have a wonderful day.

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